2020 Learning and Development Catalogue.pub

MEETING PREPARATION & MINUTE TAKING This workshop has two components: Meeting Preparation and Minute-Taking. The Meeting Preparation component of this course will teach you how to: Identify the pur- pose of a meeting; develop a preliminary agen- da; assign roles or tasks to each participant; send pre-reading materials; decide on the deci- sion making process and learn how to deliver the meeting content for best results. You will also gain skills on how to take minutes. During the minute-taking component of this course, you will learn how to: decide the ele- ments that should be included in minutes; use abbreviations; capture the essence of the meet- ings content; be more comfortable with “Robert’s Rules.”


This course is an introduction to financial ac- counting concepts and business principles. Stu- dents will analyze and record business transac- tions and create financial statements, and they will be exposed to a broad range of topics in- cluding business organizations, asset manage- ment, liability reporting and financial statement analysis.

For more information on the application process for these administrative courses, please contact Anita Bhandari.


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