Spring Program Guide 2020

L O C A L M A P L E R I D G E Y O U T H | D E T E R M I N E D | R O C K C L I M B E R | C O N F I D E N T | G O A L S E T T E R |

MEET SAUL Describe yourself in three words. Determined, confident and charismatic!

What is your favourite thing to do at GMYC? Playing basketball, rock climbing, and air hockey. What is your favourite memory of your time at the GMYC? I came to the youth centre on my 18th birthday after being by myself the whole day and the staff hadmade me a card and got me cupcakes and sorbet! What advice do you have for adults inMaple Ridge? Don’t be soquick to judgepeople and jump to theworst conclusions about them. Also always strive to be the best you could be, never stop shredding threes. Big dreams for your future? I wish to pursue a career in policing.

MEET DANIELLE How long have you been involved with PRC Youth? I've been involved with PRC Youth for three years. What got you interested inworkingwith youngpeople?

Y O U T H T E A M W O R K E R | C R E A T O R O F P O S I T I V E S P A C E | G O A L S E T T E R | P A S S I O N A T E |

I heard a lot of great things about this program from various people, I also love recreation and interacting with youth, so this seemed like a perfect option! What inspires you about the youth you work with? I get inspired by how resilient the youth are! A lot of the young people face massive challenges and they still have their heads up and a smile on their face! What’s your passion and how do you bring it to work? My passion is creating a positive space where everyone feels as though they belong and have a chance to be heard. I bring this to work by being intentional in creating positive connections with all the young people that come into the center, no matter what their life looks like. What’s something the youth of Maple Ridge have taught you? The youth have taught me to not take life so seriously and to take it all in stride. You have to take the hardships of life one day at a time and enjoy themoment! If you could give one piece of advice to emerging adults and youth, what would it be? One piece of advice to emerging adults would be to pursue your goals in life, no matter what that looks like! Everyone's goals look different, and they are all valid!


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