PRC Summer 2020 Program Guide
Craftacular Age: 6Y-12Y
Join Ms Janet for an exciting week of all things crafty. In this fun camp students will create crafts and art using a wide variety of materials including paper, plastic, papier-mâché, rocks, beads, clay, and wood. Location: The ACT
Instructor: Janet Comer Fee: $220 | Sessions: 5 M-F 9:00AM-3:30PM Musical Theatre Madness Age: 7Y-14Y
Art Skills and Fundamentals Age: 6Y-12Y
Aug 10-Aug14 #16367
Join Ms Janet and explore both art skill building and creative experimentation. In this action packed camp students will spend the first half of the day learning fundamental art skills such as shading, light, composition and perspective. During the second half students will be led through experiments with Ms Shelly by mixing unlikely materials and tools. Location: The ACT Instructor: Janet Comer & Shelly Davies-Conley Fee: $220 | Sessions: 5 M-F 9:00AM-3:30PM Jul 20-Jul 24 #16346
Here is your chance to hone all of your performing arts skills. Do you love to sing, dance and act? This exciting class will focus on singing as a chorus and solos, basic choreography, and acting. For those of you who can't choose your favourite way to perform, this camp lets you have it all. Location: The ACT
Instructor: Lauren Trotzuk Fee: $220 | Sessions: 5 M-F 9:00AM-3:30PM
Aug 10-Aug 14 #16366
Art Mix Age: 6Y-12Y
Space Camp Age: 5Y-9Y
Join Ms. Janet and learn to mix it up with all kinds of fun materials and projects. During this five day camp students will create projects that include drawing, painting, print making, collage and sculpture. Students will have the chance to explore various materials all while practicing and improving their fundamental art skills. Location: The ACT
Blast off and explore space in this immersive camp.Through creative art projects, learn about planets and galaxies and imagine you’re part of the Milky Way! This class combines science, art and technology as well as stimulating imagination and creativity. Location: The ACT
Instructor: Janet Comer Fee: $220 | Sessions: 5 M-F 9:00AM-3:30PM
Instructor: Sarah Helten Fee: $200 | Sessions: 5 M-F 9:30AM-3:00PM
Jul 27-Jul 31 #16352
Aug 10-Aug 14 #16375
Comic and Graphic Novel Writing and Drawing Age: 8Y-14Y
Dive into the world of comic books and graphic novels with Ms Laura. Imagine amazing characters and learn how to create your own comic that you will draw and write yourself. Location: The ACT
Instructor: Laura Johnson Fee: $220 | Sessions: 5 M-F 9:00AM-3:30PM
Jul 27-Jul 31 #16353
Artist for a Week Age: 6Y-12Y
On each day of this four day camp we will learn about a new artist, either historical or contemporary and be inspired by their technique and style. This camp will be a great educational and engaging opportunity where children will become mini artists and have lots of fun learning new artistic techniques and using different media. Location: The ACT
Instructor: Ava Buckley Fee: $180 | Sessions: 4 Tu-F 9:00AM-3:30PM
Aug 4-Aug 7
Register online at or call 604-467-7422.
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