2018-2022 Financial Plan
Together with the Property & Risk Manager, we will investigate options on how the City can more effectively manage its real estate assets to provide long-term benefits for Maple Ridge and prepare a Municipal Property Strategy which includes a review of Municipal parking facilities. Support the creation of a complete community by enhancing opportunities for youth to pursue post- secondary education. Develop and implement a strategy to persuade post-secondary education providers to offer courses locally, with a long-term goal of building a campus in Maple Ridge. Plan and deliver a multi-faceted Innovation Forum that will include participants and activities for Business, Education and Government (see BP for EDC which includes an Incremental Package). Support creative activities by implement new filming guidelines or processes to mitigate conflicts with business and the pubic, including contracting for an on- site Film Liaison to be provided at the cost of the production. Build an engaging urban environment to enhance creativity and social interaction in the town centre, by encouraging other restaurants to add a street patio in the Town Centre area.
Services Provided
The mission of the Economic Development Department is to build the most liveable and sustainable community in Metro Vancouver, where citizens have opportunities for economic growth and where their children will make their future homes. We do this by bringing people, ideas and money together to stimulate action. We provide investment attraction, business retention and expansion programs, as well as film production liaison services. We work with local business associations such as the Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvement Association, the Chamber of Commerce and provincial and federal government agencies involved in business and economic development. We also provide administrative support and staff liaison to the Economic Development Committee to Council and its related task force groups. The Economic Development office also engages in a basic level of Tourism marketing for the City. 2018 Workplan Emphasis Complete the Tourism Strategy and implement key recommendations for a more comprehensive tourism industry development and marketing program. This will include engagement of hotels to implement a hotel room tax to support funding needs. Following Council direction, develop a hotel attraction strategy based on the recommendations of the recently completed hotel feasibility study.
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