2018-2022 Financial Plan
Efficiency & Effectiveness Improvements Implemented in Recent Years So to reiterate, a zero tax increase or lower tax increase can be achieved. To do it properly, it should be done by looking at cost drivers and/or through service level reductions. The reader should keep in mind that on an ongoing basis we look at ways to improve service delivery and save money. Over the past period of time, we have implemented a number of initiatives that have done exactly this. Here is a selection of our more notable successes.
3. Vacant staffing positions are subjected to reviews to ensure need and efficiency. 4. Operations adapts dump trucks for snowplow use and Parks & Facilities licences certain lawnmowers for more efficient transportation between locations. 5. Issue and manage parking tickets in real time in the field using smart phones. This eliminates duplicate data entry, reduces staff time and serves as a customer service boost as tickets are entered online and in real time. government portal is filled with tools and applications to help citizens understand How Things Work, How They Can Participate and Where They Can Find Information. This portal makes information more accessible, promotes community engagement and demonstrates transparency and accountability of actions. 2. Business Finder online application provides access to information about all the registered businesses in the City. 3. ePayments for certain City services are being widely embraced. 4. Customer Service Coordinator for business licences provides a one-on-one interface for business licence applicants. We have received significant positive feedback on this change. 5. The Metro Vancouver Chapter of the Commercial Real Estate Development Association (NAIOP) presented Maple Ridge with a NAIOP Award for Municipal Excellence recognizing Maple Ridge as the ‘Most Business Friendly Municipality’ in the region for the third consecutive year in recognition of work the City has undertaken in an effort to reduce processing times and increase employment-designated land. Service Delivery Improvements 1. Open Government Portal - The open
Shared Services 1. Mutual Aid Agreements with Pitt Meadows, Mission and Langley for emergency fire services. These agreements allow us to deal with peak loads more efficiently. 2. Fire Department has partnered with the Justice Institute to use their training facility at favourable rates. 3. Partnership with Rogers Communications that allowed for the design and rebuild of an abandoned sewer line for communication services under the Haney Bypass for our mutual use. 4. RCMP Regional Forensic Investigation Unit has been relocated to Maple Ridge providing us with enhanced service and rental income. 5. Centralized fueling of City fleet vehicles and bulk fuel purchases have resulted in favourable pricing. Presently, our price is about 0.15¢ per litre cheaper than retail. 6. Partnered with a number of municipalities in BC to define the scope and participate in a joint RFP project for recreation software replacement. 7. Our Operations Centre is now doing routine maintenance on the police vehicles and this has reduced our costs. 8. Partnering with post-secondary institutions such as BCIT and SFU to leverage student resources for mutual benefit. Includes devel- opment of new technology to more efficiently establish forested area inventories and data Business Process Efficiency 1. Computer-aided dispatch and truck allocation in our Fire Department has reduced wait times for information. 2. Bylaw Adjudication System – a new way of ‘serving’ infractions has saved us about $40,000 per year in Bylaw Officer time. development to support sustainable community performance measures.
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