2018-2022 Financial Plan
General Inflation, including Labour
2018 Increase
Comments: As Council is aware, most line items in the budget are held to no increase. The financial impact of contractual agreements is built into the Financial Plan.
Service Level Reductions (Not Recommended) In addition to making adjustments in the areas where costs are going up, Council can also consider service level adjustments. Here are some of the areas that could be looked at, keeping in mind that these reductions are not recommended by staff.
Community Grants Eliminate — Council has set aside $45,000 on an annual basis to support a range of community grants. This program could be reduced and/or eliminated over a period of time. Port-a-Potties in Parks Eliminate in parks, trails and sport fields. This could save $30,000, but result in lowered satisfaction by park and trail patrons who expect this level of service. Core Security Eliminate on-site daily supervision and security services in Memorial Peace Park and surrounding buildings. This could save $60,000, but result in risk of increased negative behaviours in the area and have a corresponding impact on RCMP resources. Subsidized Ice Allocation Reduce the amount of subsidized ice allocated to minor sports. This could save $120,000, but would limit the ability of minor ice users to access ice time at affordable rates.
Brushing and Chipping Program Eliminate — This could save $100,000. This program was implemented many years ago when an outdoor burning ban was placed in the urban area. The intent was to offer citizens an alternative to burning branches or having to take such debris to the transfer station. Mosquito Control Program Reduce service level — This could save $20,000. This program is offered by the GVRD and there are municipalities that choose not to participate. Contract with ARMS/KEEPS Eliminate — This could save $40,000. These are valuable community groups that receive assistance from us and Council may wish to reconsider this assistance.
Our Business Planning methodology involves looking at all that we do to make sure that it is being done in the best way possible. This has resulted in improvements to the efficiency and effectiveness of our services and in significant savings for our citizens. Also, if you look at the departmental budgets that are included with our Business Plans, you will see that most line items do not increase at all year over year. This, coupled with close monitoring of expenses, is what allows us to keep our tax increases to a minimum. To achieve a lower tax increase, it is important to address the cost drivers or look at service level reductions.
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