2018-2022 Financial Plan
Services Provided
2018 Workplan Emphasis 2018 is a general local election year and the goal will be to complete an election process that is open and transparent and follows all requirements under legislation. An effort will be made to attract as many voters as possible through outreach and education on the importance of local government elections. Clerk’s will undertake several efficiency measures including: reviews of scorecards, policies and processes and council reports. Paper documents will be digitized and included in our document management system to ensure ease of access, compliance with legislation and the reduction of need for paper file space.
The Clerk's Department is responsible for supporting legislative, statutory and procedural support to the Organization. Responsibilities include agenda preparation, meeting management, recording of official minutes, administration and certification of bylaws and the execution of legal documentation. We also administer the Corporate Records Management Program and are responsible for compliance with Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation. The general local and school district elections, by-elections, assent of the electors and plebiscites are conducted through the Department. The Clerk's Department is the liaison between the contract legal service providers, Council and staff. The department is also responsible for providing Council with up-to-date legislative, statutory and procedural information in the increasingly complex legal environment in which local governments operate. The Property Management section is responsible for the acquisition and disposal of all of the land needs at the best possible value to the taxpayer. The administration of all rental properties falls to the department as does managing the administration of two independent dyking authorities. The Risk Management Program for loss control and insurance is also a function of the Clerk's Department.
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