Winter Program Guide 2024
Register for the correct level.
FREE SWIM EVALUATION Visit us at the Maple Ridge Leisure Centre for a
SWIMMER PROGRAM OVERVIEW Recommended age: 5 to 12 years. The Lifesaving Society’s Swimmer program makes sure your children learn how to swim before they get in too deep. Each level challenges school-aged children to develop safe entries, deep water support, underwater skills, and swimming strokes. Kids learn healthy habits by getting and staying fit in the water. Swimmer levels include fun, hands-on activities that focus on teaching water safety – lessons that will last a lifetime!
These beginners will become comfortable jumping into the water with and without a PFD. They’ll learn how to open their eyes, exhale and hold their breath underwater. Floats, glides and kicking skills are introduced.
Swimmer 1
These swimmers will jump into deeper water and learn to be comfortable falling sideways into the water wearing a PFD. They’ll learn how to tread water, develop kicking skills, and will be introduced to front crawl and back crawl. These swimmers will learn how to dive and will do in-water somersaults and handstands to develop weight-transfer skills. They’ll learn Swim to Survive® skills, whip kick on back and will further develop their front crawl and back crawl. These swimmers will become better at diving, treading water, and swimming underwater. They’ll learn the Swim to Survive® standard and start to develop breaststroke. Front crawl and back crawl are further developed. These swimmers will master dives and swimming in deep water. They’ll further their Swim to Survive® skills and start to develop eggbeater kick. Breaststroke, front crawl, and back crawl are further developed. Interval training and sprinting drills continue to challenge these swimmers. These swimmers will become proficient at deep water skills including stride entries and compact jumps. They’ll develop lifesaving kicks such as eggbeater and scissor kick. Breaststroke, front crawl, and back crawl are further developed. Head-up swims, interval training and a 300m workout develop strength and endurance. Recommended: Completed Swimmer 6. Swimmers continue developing front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke. Swimmers develop individual fitness to meet a timed 100m swim and 350m workout. Water proficiency skills include swimming with clothes, ready position, and feet-first/head-first surface dives. Demonstrating the ability to conduct a primary assessment and calling EMS are included as first aid skills. Victim recognition and throwing assists are other key elements of the program. Recommended: Completed Swimmer 7 – Rookie Patrol. Ranger Patrol enhances capability in the water including stride entries and underwater, forward and backward somersaults. Swimmers learn lifesaving sport skills with a lifesaving stroke medley, timed object support and a non-contact rescue with a buoyant aid. Eggbeater kick and increased fitness levels are developed to meet a 200m timed swim. First aid focuses on unconscious victims and obstructed airway procedures. Recommended: Completed Swimmer 8 – Ranger Patrol. Star Patrol challenges swimmers with a 300m timed swim,600m workout and a 25m object carry. Strokes are continued to be refined. Lifesaving skills include use of rescue aids, defense methods, victim removals and supporting a victim in shallow water. First aid focuses on treatment of bone or joint injuries and respiratory emergencies. Once complete, swimmers register into Bronze Star.
Swimmer 2
Swimmer 3
Swimmer 4
Swimmer 5
Swimmer 6
Swimmer 7 Rookie Patrol
Swimmer 8 Ranger Patrol
Swimmer 9 Star Patrol
ADULT SWIM PROGRAM OVERVIEW Whether you’re just starting out or just want help with your strokes, the Adult swim program is for you no matter what your age! Work with certified instructors to learn to swim or improve your current swimming ability and fitness. You’ll develop confidence in the water and smooth, recognizable strokes. You’ll be able to set your own goals in consultation with your instructor. Water Smart education is included in all Adult levels. Adult 1 Adult 2 Adult 3
You’ll work towards 10-15m swim on your front and back. You’ll learn safe entries into shallow and deep water, develop skills while wearing a PFD, and learn breath control and underwater skills. Floats, glides, flutter kick and vertical whip kick are introduced. Your fitness will improve through interval training and learning how to perform front crawl and back crawl.
Recommended: Completed Adult 1. Develop your fitness by working on two interval training workouts, sprints and further developing your front crawl and back crawl. You’ll learn Swim to Survive skills and further develop deep water entries/skills while wearing a PFD. Whip kick is further developed along with an introduction to breaststroke.
Recommended: Completed Adult 2. You’ll master front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke. Continue your fitness training with a 300m workout, sprint challenges and interval training. You’ll learn eggbeater, diving and compact jumps. Further develop treading water and underwater skills.
Register online at or call 604-467-7422.
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