Spring Program Guide 2019
artBAR Age: 19Y and up DROP-IN ARTS PROGRAMS Join us for a fun evening of fine arts and wine! Explore and discover new art forms with one of our
Drop-in dance programs are intended as practice for all levels of dancers with guidance and answers to questions. Everyone welcome! Friday Night Drop-In Lesson & Dances at The ACT Arts Centre 7:00 PM-8:00 PM Beginners Drop-in Lesson - $13 8:00 PM-10:00 PM Practice Dance - $10 These dances are intended as practice dances for all levels of dancers and wanna be dancers, with guidance and answers to questions to anyone who wishes it. Friends & relatives are welcome too. To keep it fair for all, I will be available to review material already learned only, but feel free to have a look around, you might be able to pick up new steps just by watching others, or be inspired to take classes to learn them. If you have any question please feel free to contact me.
professional artists in our monthly artBAR as they guide you through your art experience. Includes supplies and a complimentary glass of
wine! No experience necessary. Location: The ACT Arts Centre Fee: $35.00 per session Time: 7:00 PM-9:00 PM
For the artBAR schedule and details visit theactmapleridge.org. Register at The ACT Ticket Centre or by calling 604-476-2787
APRIL 16: Merlot and Multimedia while being inspired by an Abstract Paintings exhibit. MAY 21: Drink, Design and create a beautiful garden stepping stone. JUNE 11: Drink and Draw with Lisa Lake and create plant inspired drawings inspired by the current Ceramica Botanica exhibit. You can purchase a 3-pack for three separate artBAR evenings for only $95. The 3-packs are only available in person or by calling the ACT Ticket Centre at 604-476-2787.To book your own private artBAR event please contact the Arts Program Manager at 604-476-2789.
April 12
All Styles
Beginners Single Rhythm Jive
April 19 All Styles
Beginners Cross StepWaltz
May 10 Swing/Country Beginners Country 2-Step
May 17
Latin/Ballroom Beginners Cha Cha
June 28 All Styles
BeginnersWest Coast Swing
For upcoming classes and dances visit: ROBYN PICARD, www.ilovetodance.ca Tel: 604-619-3534 Email: dancewithrobyn@shaw.ca
Sign up for NOTIFY ME at www.mapleridge.ca/parksandrec for updates about our programs and facilities. 52
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