Spring Program Guide 2019
With over 40 houses in one complex, getting to know your neighbours can be hard. On Saturday, August 18, residents in the Gilker Hill area closed off their block and welcomed in the neighbourhood for a block party. Neighbours wanted to establish a connection with those living beside them to help increase security and to create a family-friendly environment for children living in Gilker Hill. The block party organizers brought in a local face paint artist, arranged for food and planned a variety of games and activities for the kids. The importance of strong neighbourhood connections was tested that very day when a bear wandered into their cul-de- sac mere hours before the start of the block party! Residents, due to the connections they had built during the block party planning process, were able to notify each other and ensured all neighbours were safe and that the bear had made her exit before the start of their event. This bear scare showed that a simple block party not only brings your community together for fun and food but that coming together to celebrate your community also builds relationships that give you and your
fellow neighbours peace of mind! Great job, Gilker Hill residents. View more stories at neighbourhoodsmallgrants.ca/news . For information and to apply visit mapleridge.ca/1542 or call 604-467-7325 (ext 1).
Neighbourhood Champions
The Neighbourhood Small Grant Program helps build community and strengthen connections in the places we call home by helping to put your ideas into action.
HOW DO I APPLY? Online: Submit your online application and learn more at mapleridge.ca/1542 In-Person: Call us at 604-467-7459 to make an appointment.
APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR: • Block Parties • Youth Initiated Projects • Neighbourhood Improvement • Environmental Protection • And much more!
Grants range from $100 - $500. A limited number of $1000 grants are available for larger projects. Please call 604-467-7459 for details.
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