Summer Program Guide 2019
SOCIAL PLAY Baby Shark Age: 3Y - 5Y NEW
Little Superheroes Age: 3Y - 5Y
Children will get their face painted like their favourite super hero and then fly, jump and spin their way into a variety of super games and creative activities. Your little super hero is sure to enjoy this fun filled program. Location: Maple Ridge Leisure Centre Fee: $15 | Sessions: 1 F 9:00AM-10:30AM Jul 19 #5430
Baby Shark doo doo doo doo doo doo come on a shark adventure with us as we have a swimming good time making crafts, playing games and singing songs. Location: Maple Ridge Leisure Centre Fee: $15 | Sessions: 1 M 6:00PM-7:30PM Jul 15 #5708
Messy Hands, Messy Play Age: 3Y - 5Y
Barnyard Fun Age: 3Y - 5Y
Calling all the little creators who love messy play! Explore the wacky side of creating art in nature. From playdough to painting and much more! Location: Maple Ridge Leisure Centre Fee: $15 | Sessions: 1 W 9:00AM-10:30AM Jul 17 #5422
Moo, Quack, Neigh, Oink, Cluck Baa! Come have fun learn about Old Macdonalds farm at our barnyard palooza! Activities include crafts, songs and games. Location: Maple Ridge Leisure Centre Fee: $15 | Sessions: 1 T 6:00PM-7:30PM Jul 30 #6856
Monstrous Monsters Age: 3Y - 5Y
Dinosaur Discovery Age: 3Y - 5Y
Eek! Monsters! Monsters don't have to be scary. Join us for a monster mash up of games, songs and crafts exploring the fun side of monsters. Location: Maple Ridge Leisure Centre Fee: $15 | Sessions: 1 W 6:00PM-7:30PM Aug 14 #6858
Come join us for a blast from the past. Take a journey back in time and explore the world of dinosaurs. Pre-historic games, crafts, dino treats and fun. Location: Maple Ridge Leisure Centre Fee: $15 | Sessions: 1 Th 9:00AM-10:30AM Jul 18 #5426 Dragon Tales Age: 3Y - 5Y Spread your wings and let's fly to a magical world where dragons roam the Earth. Make crafts, sing songs and play games. Location: Maple Ridge Leisure Centre Fee: $15 | Sessions: 1 Th 6:00PM-7:30PM Jul 4 #5468 NEW
PADDL I NG FOR AL L—ALL WAYS PADDL I NG Kids’ Summer Camps Ages 8-13 years * No Experience Needed Intro to Paddling & Skill Development The Pitt Meadows Paddling Club * 14411 Harris Road (@ the Silver Bridge) 778-847-7672 REGISTER ONLINE: WWW.PMPC.CA
Register online at or call 604-467-7422.
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