Summer Program Guide 2019
Summer Camp! p
WELCOME! All of our day camps provide a fun, safe, active, inclusive andpositiveenvironment for children. Our goal is that, at the end of the summer, your child will have truly enjoyed their experience.We look forward tomeetingboth you and your child! Therearemanyexcitingopportunitiesplanned for the summer and we are confident that our day camps will be both a fun and memorable experience for all participants. Participants must be a minimum age at the start of camp. Fiveyearoldsmusthavecompletedkindergartentoregister in full daycamps. QUALITY SUPERVISION Staff-to-participant ratios reflects our commitment to safe, high-quality program supervision. The school age camp ratio is one leader to twelve participants (1:12). The camp ratio for pre-school camps is one leader to eight participants (1:8). Camp ratios are supplemented with support from responsible leadership volunteers. REGISTRATION PACKAGES/ MEDICAL WAIVERS All programs require parents/guardians to fill out information forms. All of these forms are available online for parents/guardians to access prior to the first day of camp and programs. Full day daycamps and half day daycamps are required to complete a registration package. All other programs require the Registration Participant Form to be completed which has been made available as a fillable PDF. Forms can be downloaded at . Please note packages must befilledout completelyor your childwill not beable to attend camp. Also note some camps require additional waivers due to activities. DAILY HELLOS/GOODBYES To ensure the safe arrival and departure of all campers, caregivers will be met at the sign-in location to initial the attendance sheet. Older participants who have written permission from a parent/guardian to travel on their own will have their arrival time recorded. Ifyouknowinadvancethatyourchildwillbeabsent,please notify the camp staff. Follow up phone calls will be made if a participant is absent and staff have not been notified. Please note it is important that participants arrive no later than 15minutes after the start of the program. Please note late pick upswill be charged$1 perminute. For thesafetyof all participants, authorizedpickuppersons may be asked to produce photo ID.
MEDICAL INFORMATION Health and safety are a priority for Maple Ridge Parks, Recreation&Culture. If your childdevelopsacommunicable disease and is participating in camp (pink eye, hand foot and mouth disease, etc.) please inform staff immediately. This will allow staff to informother participants and take the necessaryprecautions. SUN SENSE Sunscreen should be brought daily and applied regularly. We encourage you to show your child how to properly apply sunscreen. Staffwill remindparticipants throughout the day to re-apply their own sunscreen. If indicated, staff may assist younger campers with sunscreen application. LOST & FOUND We are not responsible for lost or damaged items. We will put any lost and found items out for display daily. Due to volume, we hold all items for one week, then send The majority of our programs are drop-off programs and do not involve parent participation unless noted in the Program Guide. TOILETING Childrenmust be fully toilet trained toattendall programs not requiring parent/guardian supervision. RAINY DAYS & SWIM/WATER DAYS All camp programs will continue to run during inclement weather, unless otherwise notified. Please dress your child appropriately. Children in campswith swimor water days will be required to bring a swim suit and towel. unclaimed items to a local charity. PARENT PARTICIPATION
For more detailed information please check our welcome to camp package online at parksandrec
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