Summer Program Guide 2019
Maple Ridge celebrates our national holiday by bringing together thousands of residents and visitors for a remarkable summer festival in downtown Memorial Peace Park. The colour guard party leads a parade into the park at the start of the formal protocol ceremony and awards presentations. Join us for a day
of family fun with three entertainment stages (arts, culture, music and dance), the Haney Farmers Market, a community barbeque, children’s games, community displays and family recreation activities for all-ages. A finale performance includes an opportunity to sing “Happy Birthday“ with everyone.
Festival Opens
12:00 PM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM
Protocol Parade, official Canada Day ceremony and awards Canada Day cake and cupcakes Farmers Market, family activities, entertainment, food trucks, community BBQ and picnic in the park; Hot Summer Days spray area
Main Stage entertainment finale Happy Birthday sing along
5:00 PM 6:00 PM
*Note: Times are approximate and subject to change closer to the event date. Please see for updates and details.
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