Summer Program Guide 2019
MEET ALISON "I’ve been involved with Youth Services for seven years. I became interested inworkingwithyoungpeople inMaple Ridge after several jobs including working to prevent the sexual exploitation of youth and as a substance misuse prevention worker. I’m inspired by the youth I work with for their resiliency, self advocacy and their passion for giving back to their community. It’s an honour to witness young people welcoming new youth into the centre, showing them around and providing themwith a sense of belonging. My passion is the health and well being of young people. I work to support young people to live healthy, happy lives in a way that fits for them. I bring this to my work by meeting young people where they are at, we cook, we have conversations about to how to support their mental wellness and I do my best to refer and connect youth to resources in our community to increase the number of positive adult relationships they have in their lives. I’m also passionate about the therapeutic benefits of nature, and love hiking, camping and introducing youth to these activities. The youth of Maple Ridge have taught me to try new activities, and take more healthy risks in my own life. One piece of advice I would give to youth and emerging adults is to have courage to speak up for and advocate for yourself. Ask for what you need, the services you would like to see for youth in your community and continue to represent young people in a positive way in Maple Ridge." L O C A L M R Y O U T H | I N D E P E N D E N T T H I N K E R | F R I E N D S U P P O R T E R | G O A L S E T T E R | C O O L |
" Three words I’d use to describe myself would be: strong, independent, and cool. My favourite thing to do at the Greg Moore Youth Centre is play fireball* with my friends and staff. My advice for all adults in Maple Ridge is don’t paint all youth with the same brush. My big dreams for the future is to become a professional wrestler." *Fireball is a pool table game created by staff and youth at the GMYC,
Y O U T H W O R K E R | H E A L T H A D V O C A T E | I N S P I R A T I O N S E E K E R | S U P P O R T E R O F Y O U T H |
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