Summer Program Guide 2019
ONLY $ 30
SUMMER ACTIVE PASS TEEN $30 for Ages: 13Y-18Y The Teen Summer Active Pass is valid for all the same activities as the Kids Pass, but also includes the fitness centre. Included in this pass is a complimentary Youth Access Orientation for 13Y and up (parent/guardian sign-off form required for 13Y-15Y). Valid between Friday June 28 - Monday September 2, 2019. Please note our facility closure times listed online at parksandrec. No raincheques or proration on promotion. Participation discount eligible.
ONLY $ 20
$20 for Ages: 3Y-12Y Calling kids 12 and under! For only $20, purchase a kids Summer Fun Pass with access to all drop-in programs and time slots. This includes drop-in gymnasium programs. Valid between Friday June 28 - Monday September 2, 2019. Please note our facility closure times listed online at www.mapleridge. ca/parksandrec. No raincheques or proration on promotion. Participation discount eligible.
Visit for updated drop-in schedules and information.
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