Summer Program Guide 2019
GYMNASIUM DROP-IN SESSIONS Sport Drop-In - Badminton, Table Tennis, Indoor Soccer, Ball Hockey, Pickleball, Basketball, Volleyball. Multi-Sport Drop-In Sessions Parent & Child Playtime 0Y - 5Y New Schedule - Check our website for details (Not available on stat holidays) Day Care Drop In Gym 0Y - 5Y - New - Check our website for details Youth Gym 13Y - 18Y Open Gym 11Y+. Sessions are drop-in and not intended for team practices. Most sessions are unsupervised and require you to follow facility guidelines and etiquette. Some sessions are age specific and require your own equipment. Ages - Children aged 6Y - 10Y are welcome to join the Open Gym/Multi-Sport 11Y+ sessions but must be fully supervised by a parent/guardian. Parent and child admission is required. OpenGymsessions are theperfect time for parents/guardians to participate too, so be sure to jump off the sidelines and join your kids in play! SPORT COURTS COURT USES
Gymnasium & Sport Enquiries Contact Taylor McBeth Recreation Programmer Tel: 604-467-7432 Email: Schedules For details on sessions, times, locations and descriptions, visit mapleridge,ca/1447
The Leisure Centre has two racquetball courts that are available for multi-court use for racquetball, squash practice, wallyball, wallysoccer, badminton, fitness training, stretching and other suitable light, active movement. There is one dedicated squash court. Please check with the Fitness Centre Supervisor on duty for assistance. Goggles are required for all racquet sport players. Wear indoor court sport and non-marking sole shoes. COURT BOOKINGS Due to popular demand and to provide equitable access to all, we accept bookings one week in advance by the hour. You can book a court online or by telephone. If you need to cancel, please call 604-467-7322 as soon as possible; no shows are released after 15 minutes. RACQUET BALL & SQUASH Interested in playing on a ladder at the Leisure Centre? Need a player assessment or information on the Squash or Racquetball communities? Please contact one of our Sport Volunteer Ambassadors. They will assist you in getting back into the game and meeting up with like- minded players.
For Squash & Racquetball Enquiries
Contact Taylor McBeth Email:
Register online at or call 604-467-7422.
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