
Forest Explorers Age: 5 -7Y

A fun, active, educational adventure! Your child will have fun in nature through individual hands-on exploration, eco games, storytelling & songs, animal tracking, discovering mud, bugs, water, plants, and animals, learning about wild edible plants, creative play, and wild adventure! Nothing will go unnoticed by our explorers! Offered in partnership with ARMS. Instructor: Alouette River Management Society Location: Rivers Heritage Centre, 24959 Alouette Road Fee: $190 | Sessions: 5 M-F 9:30AM - 2:00PM Jul 29 - Aug 2 #63925 Get S.T.E.A.M'ed Age: 8 -11Y If you like discovery and the sciences, this is the camp for you. Each day we will explore some aspect of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math through experiments and observation. You don’t have to be a science wiz to enjoy this camp. All you need is a sense of wonder and the passion

to discover. Offered in partnership with ARMS. Instructor: Alouette River Management Society Location: Allco Park Fee: $152 | Sessions: 4 Tu/W/Th/F WORKSHOPS BeaYOUtiful Foundation Workshop: An Introduction to Mental Health Age: 9-12Y

9:30AM - 2:00PM Aug 6 - Aug 9 #63926

BeaYOUtiful Foundation Workshop: Rising Above Fear Age: 10 -14Y

This workshop is open to female and non-binary youth ages 10-14 years old. Join the BeaYOUtiful team as they navigate discussions on fear. This workshop will provide insight on what is fear, how we can identify it in our bodies, tools we can use to cope and create fun calming kits. We have interactive activities planned so that learning about Mental Health and different emotions can be a fun and educational process! Offered in partnership with the BeaYOUtiful Foundation.

This workshop is open to female and non-binary youth ages 9-12 years old. Join the BeaYOUtiful team as they navigate discussions on the importance of understanding mental health. This workshop will provide insight on what is mental health, why is it important, how we can manage our mental health, prevention and intervention and defining stigma all in a safe and encompassing space. We have interactive activities planned so that learning about mental health can be a fun and educational process! Offered in partnership

Instructor: BeaYOUtiful Foundation Location: Maple Ridge Leisure Centre Fee: FREE | Sessions: 1 Tu 6:00PM - 8:00PM

with the BeaYOUtiful Foundation. Instructor: BeaYOUtiful Foundation Location: Albion Community Centre Fee: FREE | Sessions: 1 Th 6:00PM - 8:00PM

Aug 13


Jul 11


Register online at or call 604-467-7422.

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