PRC Fall 2020 Program Guide
HOWDO I PAY IF I DO NOT HAVE A CREDIT CARD? If you do not have a credit card for online or over the phone payment, please call 604-467-7422 during registration hours and let our Customer Experience team know the program(s) for which you’d like to register and that you cannot pay with a credit card. They will happily explain your payment process options. WHY AREN’T YOU OFFERING MORE PROGRAMS? It is no secret that COVID-19 has impacted the number of programs we are able to safely run for Fall 2020. Our programming teams conducted risk assessments for each fall program and service according to the British Columbia Recreation & Parks Association guidelines, the BC Restart Plan and health authority recommendations. The programs offered this fall were determined to be low risk and include numerous new protocols to ensure safety of staff and participants. We considered a number of factors throughout the assessment including ability to, follow physical distancing protocols, personal protective equipment requirements, hand hygiene provisions and touch point sanitation and align with the Province’s approved Recreation Restart guidelines. IS IT SAFE FOR ME TO PARTICIPATE IN PROGRAMS? We are working hard to make programs as safe as possible in this time of uncertainty. It is of the utmost importance that we all continue to follow the rules set by the health authorities to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. All available programs have undergone a risk assessment and our staff have been trained on the latest safety procedures that align with health authority recommendations andWorksafe BC requirements ensure programs run as safely as possible. Physical distancing will be built into all our programs. Shared equipment use will be minimized or eliminated. HOWCAN I HELP KEEP PROGRAMS SAFE? Forall, personalprotectivemeasures canbe implemented to increaseyourcomfort and safety. Please referto allcurrent recommendations from Health Authorities regarding the steps you can take to increase your personal safety at this time. Personal hygiene measures such as increased hand washing are required and encouraged throughout programs. If you are sick, stay at home. This expectation will be strictly enforced, no exceptions. Should a participant fall ill, immediately call Customer Service at 604-467-7422 to advise and discuss next steps. We understand that entering this “new normal” is unfamiliar territory and encourage you to reach out with your questions or concerns. Your safety is our priority! It is of the utmost importance that we all continue to follow the rules set by the health authorities to mitigate the spread of COVID-19; our City staff are here to help ensure all health recommendations are being followed. WHAT DO I DO IF SOMEONE ELSE IN MY PROGRAM IS NOT FOLLOWING PHYSICAL DISTANCING RULES AND/OR THE HEALTH AND SAFETY MEASURES? If you notice that someone else in your program is not following the physical distancing and/or safetymeasures required of your program, please take steps to increase your personal safety immediately (ie, clean your hands, maintain physical distance, etc). WHAT IF I AM UNCOMFORTABLE CONTINUING TO ATTEND A CLASS THAT HAS STARTED? Our regular cancellation policies are in place (PG 4) with the exception of one adjustment: Pro-rated refundswill be provided to registrants without the requirement of a doctor’s note if they become ill and are unable to attend the program. If the Provincial Health Officer or Local Health Authority provide us with an update that requires us to limit our class sizes or to cancel your program, we will refund those who are impacted. All available programs for Fall 2020 have undergone risk assessments which we hope you will consider when deciding whether or not to register for one of our programs. HAS YOUR CANCELLATION POLICY CHANGED DUE TO COVID-19? Our regular cancellation policies are in place (PG 4) with the exception of one adjustment: Pro-rated refundswill be provided to registrants without the requirement of a doctor’s note if they become ill and are unable to attend the program. All available programs for Fall 2020 have undergone risk assessments which we hope you will consider when deciding whether to register for one of our programs.
Register online at or call 604-467-7422.
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