PRC Fall 2020 Program Guide
MEET NAV Y O U T H T E A M W O R K E R | P O S I T I V E T H I N K E R | O U T D O O R C L I M B E R | S P R E A D E R O F K I N D N E S S |
How long have you been involved with Youth Services? I have worked for Youth Services for 13 years. What got you interested in working with young people in Maple Ridge? As a former youth that attended the Greg Moore Youth Centre, the youth workers at the time gave me an opportunity to explore my areas of interest in Film & Sports. I wanted to give back to the community and help youth achieve their goals. What inspires you about the youth you work with? It's very inspiring to see the personal growth and determination that youth exhibit. Especially when they come to the centre at a young age and go through life experiences and stay with us until they age out.
What’s your passionandhowdoyoubring it towork? I'm very passionate about Filming and Sports. I developed a basketball program that was very popular that engagedmany youth in participating and getting active. I also helped run a ongoing successful filmmaking program. What’s something the youth of Maple Ridge have taught you? Every youth has a different gift to give, helping makepositivechanges. it inspiresme tocontinually work harder on my own goals and to continue learning new things. If you could give one piece of advice to emerging adults and youth, what would it be? Always stay positive and try to inspire other people! "Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Ghandi
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