Maple Ridge Experience 24/25
Play Here MapleRidge.Ca/ParksRecreation
Outdoor Adventure - Maple Ridge offers abundant natural spaces for outdoor exploration, from old-growth forests to winding rivers. Activities include wildlife viewing, paddling, horseback riding, fishing, cycling, mountain biking, and scenic walks. Golden Ears Provincial Park - Nature enthusiasts can enjoy diverse activities at Golden Ears Provincial Park, such as camping, hiking, horseback riding, fishing, canoeing, windsurfing, and water-skiing.
Jerry Sulina Park & Historic Dyke Trail - Explore Jerry Sulina Park’s historic dyke trail system, offering stunning views of the Golden Ears Mountains, Alouette River, and cranberry fields. LetsGoBiking.Net Whonnock Lake Park - Features a whimsical sandy beach, designated swimming area, hiking trails, playground, and an event facility. Explore more at MapleRidge.Ca/RecreationFacilities
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