Fall Program Guide 2019
MEET DANIELLE "I have been involved with Youth Services for 10 years. I became interested in working with young people in Maple Ridge after a practicum opened my eyes to this amazing population of youth that are doing great things and are often overlooked. I am inspired daily by the youth and their ability to speak up for what they want in life. I love that I get to be a small part in their journey of finding who they are and what they want to be. My goal is to be a positive presence in the lives of the people around me. I have conversations with youth that can be difficult, but after we talk I often hear them say how much better they feel. I want to be a safe place for young people to come and feel heard and valued. The youth in Maple Ridge have taught me that it is ok to look silly while trying something new, and not to take myself too seriously. My advice to emerging adults and youth would be that your voice is an amazing tool, don’t be afraid to use it. Speak up for yourself, speak up for others and let the worldhear you. You have amazing thoughts and ideas that deserve to be heard!" L O C A L M R Y O U T H | I N D E P E N D E N T T H I N K E R | K I N D H E A R T E D | C O M M U N I T Y B U I L D E R | K I N D |
" Three words I’d use to describe myself would be: Kind, Trustworthy, Independent. My favorite thing to do at the Greg Moore Youth Centre is play fireball (Youth Centre game) and to build relationships with the youth workers. I don’t have a favourite memory from time spent at GMYC because every night I’m here I always have a great memory and story to tell. I think bringing a pride club to the GMYC would create a positive impact on youth. My advice to adults is to always listen to your kids even if it’s something you don’t want to hear. My dream is to become a Child and Youth Worker and someday be able to work at the GMYC."
*Fireball is a table game created by staff and youth at the GMYC
Y O U T H W O R K E R | P O S I T I V E S P A C E C R E A T O R | J O Y S E E K E R | S U P P O R T E R O F Y O U T H |
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