Annual Report 2022
Strategic Direction & Progress Report
Citizen Surveys The City of Maple Ridge has been conducting regular research to measure key metrics as part of the overall performance management program. The combination of metrics noted on the previous pages, and the information gathered in regular Citizen Surveys are key tools for Council and the City’s leadership team to measure performance on Council’s Strategic Priorities. In the fall of 2022, the Citizen Survey participation letter was mailed to 4,200 randomly selected households by Sentis Market Research, an independent research firm. Between September 26 and October 16, 643 households filled out the survey that asked them to rank a number of important metrics that the City has been tracking over multiple years. The first survey was conducted in 2003, and since that time six additional surveys have helped measure satisfaction with the City’s service delivery, priorities for citizens and visions for the future of the community. The 2022 survey results were provided to the newly elected Council in early 2023 to aid in the development of their strategic vision for their four-year term. The table below is an example of one of the data points,
‘Satisfaction with Quality of Life,’ is part of a question series that has been asked over all seven surveys starting in 2003. This is the first survey conducted since the COVID-19 pandemic and, as such, will serve as a benchmark for policy and program development that flows from the new 2023-2026 Strategic Priorities that have been adopted by Maple Ridge’s Council in May of 2023. The full results of the survey are available at along with other performance management reports and assets.
Satisfaction with Quality of Life
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