2023 Annual Report

Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

( k ) Fin a n c i a l ins trum en t s The City's financial instruments consist of cash and cash equivalents, portfolio investments, accounts receivable, recoverable local improvements, debt reserve fund, accounts payable and accrued liabilities, refundable performance deposits and debt. Cash and equity instruments quoted in an active market are measured at fair value. All other financial instruments, are measured at cost or amortized cost. The carrying amount of each of these financial instruments is presented on the statement of financial position. Unrealized gains and losses from changes in the fair value of financial instruments are recognized in the statement of remeasurement gains and losses. Upon settlement, the cumulative gain or loss is reclassified from the statement of remeasurement gains and losses and recognized in the statement of operations. Interest and dividends attributable to financial instruments are reported in the statement of operations. For financial instruments measured using amortized cost, the effective interest rate method is used to determine interest revenue or expense. For portfolio measurements measured at cost, the cost method records the initial investment at cost and earnings from such investments are recognized only to the extent received or receivable. When an investment is written down to recognize an impairment loss, the new carrying value is deemed to be the new cost basis for subsequent accounting purposes. All financial assets are tested annually for impairment. Should investment be deemed impaired, impairment losses are recorded in the statement of operations. Transaction costs are added to the carrying value for financial instruments measured using cost or amortized cost. Transaction costs are expensed for financial instruments measured at fair value. Unless otherwise indicated, it is management's opinion that the City is not exposed to any significant interest, credit or currency risks arising from these financial instruments. ( l ) C a sh a nd ca sh eq u iv a len t s Cash and cash equivalents are comprised of the amounts held in the City's bank accounts and investments with an original term to maturity of three months or less, or redeemable on demand without penalty. (m) P o rt folio Inves tm en t s Investments with an original term to maturity of more than three months from the date of acquisition are reported as portfolio investments. Investments and pooled investments are reported using the cost method. Provisions for declines in the market value of investments are recorded when they are considered to be other than temporary. Declines in the market values of investments are considered to be other than temporary when the carrying value exceeds market value for more than three years. Investment instruments where returns are linked to the performance of other indices are reported at market value in accordance with PS 3450 Financial Instruments. ( n ) Ba sis of seg m en tat ion Municipal services have been segmented by grouping services that have similar service objectives (by function). Revenues that are directly related to the costs of the function have been attributed to each segment. Interest expense is allocated to functions based on the purpose of specific borrowings. ( o ) Em ployee f utur e benefi t s The City and its employees make contributions to the Municipal Pension Plan, and the employees accrue benefits under this plan based on service. The City's contributions are expensed as incurred. As this is a multi-employer plan, no liability is attributed to the City and no liability is recorded in the financial statements. Sick leave benefits and retirement severance benefits are also available to the City's employees. The costs of these benefits are actuarially determined based on service and best estimates of retirement ages and expected future salary and wage increases. The liabilities under these benefit plans are accrued based on projected benefits prorated as the employees render services necessary to earn the future benefits.

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