2023 Annual Report
Consolidated Statement of Change in Net Financial Assets Consolidated Financial Statements ________________________________________________________ Consolidated Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2023
Consolidated Statement o f C h an g e in N et Financial A ssets For the year ended December 31, 2023 Consolidated Statement of Financial P osition as at December 31, 2023 2023
2022 Restated (Note 26)
Budget 2023 Note 21
A ctual 2023
2022 Restated (Note 26)
Financial Assets Cash and cash equivalents (Note 1) Portfolio investments (Note 2)
61,01 5 , 8 63 $
22,933,056 253,251,692 25,283,520 614,913 1,146,868
23 7 ,003, 4 13 3 4 , 5 30,0 48 5 12, 8 2 7 1,1 8 2, 5 09
A nnual Sur p lus Accounts receivable (Note 4) A dd ( Less) : C h an g e in T an g ible Ca p ital A ssets Acquisition of tangible capital assets Recoverable local improvements (Note 5) Debt reserve fund (Note 6) Inventory available for resale Proceeds from disposal of tangible capital assets Loss on disposal of tangible capital assets L iabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (Note 7) Asset retirement obligations (Note 8) C h an g e in O t h er A ssets Increase in supplies inventory Increase in prepaid expenses Increase in remeasurement losses Deferred revenue (Note 9) Restricted revenue (Note 10) Refundable performance deposits and other Employee future benefits (Note 11) Amortization
65,086,983 $
58,3 4 9,966 $
(213,047,786) 24,593,930
( 66,0 4 0,0 4 8) 27,971,733 4 15,62 4 1,307,350 ( 36,3 4 5,3 4 1)
(50,610,468) 26,486,964
5 6,169
33 4 ,300, 8 29
- -
34,149 149,126
- - - - 36,6 85 ,123 19,6 7 0,9 4 3 20,3 47 , 77 1 4 0,91 8 ,19 7 30,9 4 2,91 5 2, 7 1 8 ,600 3 8 , 7 61,1 84 190,0 44 , 7 33
29,111,044 18,883,504 19,475,845 38,878,746 27,470,091 2,861,700 42,930,686 179,611,616
( 88,988) ( 21,103)
(77,254) (452,839)
( 1,313,0 4 0) ( 1, 4 23,131)
Debt (Note 12)
I ncrease ( decrease) in N et Financial A ssets
20,581, 4 9 4
N et Financial A ssets be g innin g o f t h e year Net Financial Assets
123,674,602 123,67 4 ,602 1 44 ,2 5 6,096
N et Financial A ssets end o f t h e year Non Financial Assets Tangible capital assets (Note 13, Schedule 1) Undeveloped land bank properties (Note 14)
307,729 $ 1 44 ,256,096 $
1,21 4 ,3 8 9,129 1 5 , 5 26, 5 29
1,178,043,788 15,526,529
Supplies inventory Prepaid expenses
699, 85 9 1, 477 ,293
610,871 1,456,190
1,232,092, 8 10
Accumulated Surplus (Note 15)
1,3 7 6,3 48 ,906 $
Accumulated surplus is comprised of : Accumulated operating surplus
1,3 77 ,661,9 4 6
Accumulated remeasurement gains ( losses)
( 1,313,0 4 0)
1,3 7 6,3 48 ,906
Scott Hartman
Trevor Thompson, BBA, CPA, CGA
Chief Administrative Officer
Director of Finance
The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement.
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