2022 Visitor Guide
Welcome to Maple Ridge Maple Ridge is nestled in one of the most beautiful natural settings in British Columbia. Our city is home to spectacular outdoor areas such as the UBC Research Forest, Cliff Falls, Loon Lake and Golden Ears Provincial Park. Maple Ridge’s geography is just part of the picture. Our founders, from the Katzie and Kwantlen First Nations to the early settlers, whose names are celebrated on street signs and parks, are also a defining part of this community. For the outdoor enthusiast, Maple Ridge offers an endless array of areas for hiking, cycling, mountain biking, kayaking, wildlife viewing and more. After an exhilarating day of adventure, complete your experience by exploring the Maple Ridge Ale Trail for a taste of local craft beer. Maple Ridge is rich in arts and culture, hosting many festivals and community events year-round. Be sure to visit the town centre when it is brilliantly illuminated for GLOW Maple Ridge and Celebrate the Night, or spend time exploring our many unique shops and boutiques. We have incredible entrepreneurs who have created a vibrant local economy.
It is this combination of place, history and people that inspires and defines our community. With the travel ban lifting, we are pleased to once again open our doors and invite visitors to enjoy our remarkable oasis of natural surroundings and many one-of-a-kind opportunities to eat, drink and shop. We also have a variety of new experiences for you to discover, including pop-up patios and dog-friendly dining and shopping. On behalf of Council, welcome to our beautiful city. We hope your visit to our community will leave you spellbound, from the breathtaking views of the Fraser River to the sweeping sights of the Golden Ears Mountains and the charm of our shops, eateries and people.
Mike Morden, Mayor City of Maple Ridge
www. m a p l e r i d g e . c a / t o u r i s m
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