2022 Visitor Guide
Museums & Heritage Buildings Maple Ridge Museum
Haney House Museum A fixture of Haney since 1883, this family home was built by Thomas Haney, who purchased 145 acres of land which would eventually become the town of Haney. As the name suggests, his family were the original founders of the Haney neighbourhood, and three generations of his descendants lived in the house until 1979 when the home was donated to the city to become a historic house museum. Billy Miner Alehouse and Café The Billy Miner Alehouse and Café is an authentic watering hole that is steeped in its own heritage, hearkening back to simpler, yet adventurous, frontier times around the turn of the century. Formerly a bank in the historical Port Haney neighbourhood, the two-story, wood-framed structure has all the stylistic cues that were typical of early, main-street buildings. Massive freight trains roar by while the gently flowing Fraser River poses a serene backdrop. For a glimpse into the past, discover a local favourite known for its belly-warming food and refreshing craft beer. https://www.springsgroup.ca/billyminer/alehouse Port Haney Heritage Walk For a self-guided tour, Maple Ridge has a Port Haney Heritage walking tour that connects several heritage sites on a scenic route near the Fraser River. For more details and the Port Haney Heritage map, visit https://mapleridge.ca/328 .
Connect the past, present and future through the extensive collection of archives and artifacts at the Maple Ridge Museum and Haney House. Be a kid again and discover one of the finest model railroad displays of the area. http://www.mapleridgemuseum.org Port Haney Port Haney was named after Thomas Haney, a brickmaker, who owned much of the property that became the Haney neighbourhood community. His land was subdivided when the CPR rail line was built and the historical downtown, near the railway station and the Port Haney wharf, became the first commercial and residential centre. Learn more about our history at the Maple Ridge Museum, the old Brickyard office, Haney House, St. Andrew’s Church Hall, and the Billy Miner Alehouse (formerly the Bank of Montreal). https://www.mapleridgemuseum.org
www. m a p l e r i d g e . c a / t o u r i s m
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