2021 PRC Summer Program Guide
We're looking for new program ideas for Maple Ridge Parks, Recreation & Culture! Fill out the form and let us know what programs and classes you'd like to see offered in future Program Guides.
MAPLE RIDGE LEISURE CENTRE At the time of this publication, the Maple Ridge Leisure Centre (MRLC) is open for registered access only. We are excited to offer our recreation services using a registered format that follows the recommendations of the Provincial Health Office and BC Recreation & Parks Association.
GENERAL ENQUIRIES: 604-467-7422 registration@mapleridge.ca
REGISTRATION: To help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, we are accepting registration online and over the phone. In person payments can be scheduled by appointment only.
PROGRAM ENQUIRIES: Aquatics 604-467-7321
Shannon Boyko
Arts Programs
604-476-2792 604-466-4339 604-467-7328 604-467-7443
Lori Ceaser Jen Baillie Daljit Sidhu
Children’s Programs
jbaillie@mapleridge.ca dsidhu@mapleridge.ca cgamache@mapleridge.ca
Sport & Fitness Programs
Youth Programs
Clint Gamache
MEMBERSHIPS All memberships were frozen due to COVID-19. Members have the option to unfreeze their account or continue paying single admission and keep their membership frozen until a full facility re-opening. PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE FOLLOWING: Once a membership pass holder has chosen to unfreeze their membership, they cannot re-freeze it. ADMISSION RATES If patrons choose to pay-as-they-go for the registered timeslots. Admission rates, including GST, are below.
Adult: $5.99 Youth: $4.10 Senior: $4.10 Child: $3.20
Register online at mapleridge.ca/1484 or call 604-467-7422.
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