2021 PRC Summer Program Guide
YOGAPL3Y Age: 6Y-12Y
YOGAPL3Y is a physical literacy, mindfulness & social-emotional learning program where kids PLAY with yoga poses, movement and breath. Participants build flexibility, strength, balance, coordination and focus. Kids get active through a variety of fun yoga and mindfulness activities that allow them to develop self- regulation strategies, as well as positive social interactions as they discover connections with themselves, others and the world. This session will be led by a certified YOGAPL3Y instructor.
CHILD, YOUTH &ADULT Instructor: Certified YogaPL3Y Instructor Location: Maple Ridge Leisure Centre Fee: $24 | Sessions: 4 Tu 10:15AM-11:00AM
Jul 6-Jul 27
Monday Morning Boot Camp Age: 16Y and up
Aug 3-Aug 24 #26767
Join us for a full body workout! Rain or shine. This type of group exercise program mixes traditional body weight movements with intervals and strength training.
YOUTH & ADULT Virtual Fitness & Wellness Age: 16Y and up
Instructor: Curtis Health Location: Outdoor Patio Fee: $25.20 | Sessions: 4 M
Get healthy from the comfort of your own home! Register for one month access to weekly online Zoom classes such as Zumba, Yoga & Bootcamp! This registration also includes unlimited access to Thrive! An online website hosting information on wellness topics such as nutrition and fitness. For more information e-mail: dsidhu@mapleridge.ca Instructor: Curtis Health Location: Virtual Fee: $32.55 | Sessions: Monthly M-Su 24/7 Jul 1-Jul 31 #27118 M-Su 24/7 Aug 1–Aug 31 #27119
9:00AM-10:00AM 9:00AM-10:00AM
Jul 5-Jul 26 Aug 9-Aug 30
#26756 #26757
Yin Yoga & Meditation Age: 16Y and up
Our Yin Yoga & Guided Meditation class is a great place to begin yoga and learn how to let go of the stress and tension that creates pain and irritation in the body and mind. Learn to increase your flexibility and focus. Combines gentle supported postures with guided meditation and a deeply relaxing Savasna. Modifications to meet your needs. Everyone is welcome. No previous yoga experience needed. Instructor: Curtis Health Location: Whonnock Community Centre Fee: $25.20 | Sessions: 4 M 6:15PM-7:15PM Jul 5-Jul 26 #26630 M 6:15PM-7:15PM Aug 9-Aug 30 #26631 Exercising on the Pilates mat is a challenging yet safe method to sculpt your entire body and to feel increased agility in your everyday movements. Work to balance all muscle groups' strength and flexibility, with an emphasis on challenging the core muscles with each movement. Instructor: Curtis Health Location: Whonnock Community Centre Fee: $25.20 | Sessions: 4 M 7:30PM-8:30PM Jul 5-Jul 26 #26762 M 7:30PM-8:30PM Aug 9-Aug 30 #26764 Pilates by the Lake Age: 16Y and up
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