2021 Citizens Report
Property Values In 2021, 91% of the total value of properties in Maple Ridge was in the Residential Class. That’s 91% of over $26.3 billion worth of property as reported by the BC Assessment Authority. Property Taxes While 91% of the value is in the Residential Property Class, only 78.6% of the local taxes collected come from residential property owners. 21.4% of tax collected comes from the Business Classes, which account for 9% of the total property value in Maple Ridge. Total property taxes levied in 2021 was just over $93.2 million. Definition: The term ‘Business Class’ on this page refers to properties in the Utilities, Industrial,
Residential 91%
Taxable Values By Property Class
Business Classes 9%
2021 Total Value of All Property Types $26,227,992
Residential 78.60%
Business, Seasonal Recreation and Farm categories.
General Taxation By Property Class
The 2021 Annual Report contains more detailed information on the City’s financial position and results of operation. Copies can be obtained from the Fraser Valley Regional Library, Maple Ridge City Hall and online at mapleridge.ca/163.
Business Classes 21.40%
2021 Total Property Tax Levies (for general purposes, NOT school, GVTA, BCA, etc) $93,213,665
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