2021 Annual Report
General Comparative Statistics General Comparative Statistics General Comparative Statistics
Municipal Government Incorporated September 12, 1874 Mayor and 6 Council Members 2021 unicipal Government Incorporated September 12, 1874 Mayor and 6 Council Members 2021
2020 92,056 59,750 2 20 92 0 6 59,750 7.2% 405 7.2% 405
2019 91,222 59750 2019 91,222 59750 4.9% 375 4.9% 375
2018 88,626 59,730 4.9% 2018 88 626 59,730 4.9% 388 388
2017 20 7 87,713 58,284 87 713 58,284 5.1% 385 5.1% 385
2011 77,402 51,089 2011 77 402 51,089 7.3% 355 7.3% 355
Population 1 Population 1 Registered Voters 2 Register d Voters 2 Local Unemployment Rate 3 Municipal Full-Time Employees 4 Local Unemp oy nt Rate 3 Municipal Full-Time Employees 4
94,742 59,750 94 42 59,7 0 5.5% 402 5.5% 402
Number of Residents Employed by Industry 5 1 Retail Trade Number of Residents Employed by Industry 5 1 Retail Trade 3 Health Care and Social Assistance 3 Health Care and Social Assistance 4 Manufacturing 5 Educational Services 4 Manufacturing 5 Educational Services 2 Construction 2 Construction
6,344 6,224 5,822 3,819 3,472 34 6 2 4 5 22 819 3,472
6 Accommodation and Food Services 7 Professional, Scientific, Technical Services 6 Accomm d tion a d Food Services 7 rofessional, Scientific, Technical Services 8 Public Administration 8 Public Administration 9 Wholesale Trade and Transportation 10 Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services 9 Wholesale Trade and Transporta ion 10 Administrat ve a d Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services
3,078 2,982 2,736 2,985 2,233 3 078 982 736 985 2,233
Number of Schools 6 Elementary Schools Secondary Schools Number of Schools 6 El mentary Sch ols Seco dary Schools
18 18
18 18
18 18
17 17
17 17
16 16
5 4 1 5 5 4 1 5
5 4 1 5 5 4 1 5
5 4 1 5 5 4 1 5
5 4 1 5 5 4 1 5 7
5 4 1 5 5 4 1 5 6
5 4 1 5 5 4 1 5
Alternate/Special Education Schools Continuing Education Facilities Alternate/Special Educ tion Schools Continuing Education Facilities Private Schools ivate Schools
Preschools Preschools Day Care Centres Day Care Centres
21 21 133 133
17 17 126 126
17 17 120 120
20 20 115 115
114 114
117 117
No. of Properties (Folios) No. of Properties (Folios) Land Area -Designated Land Use (in Ha) 7 8 Residential Land Area -Designated Land Use (in Ha) 7 8 Residenti
32,882 32,882 5,406 3,562 2,443 2,065 5 406 3 562 443 2,065 914 281 77 914 281 77 14,748 11,962 26,710 4 748 11 962 26,710
32,396 32,396 5,412 3,562 2,442 2,059 5 41 3 56 442 2,059 914 281 77 914 281 77 14,748 11,962 26,710 4 748 11 962 26,710
31,816 31,816 5,412 3,562 2,442 2,059 5 41 3 56 442 2,059 914 281 77 914 281 77 4 748 14,748 11,962 26,710 26,710
31,817 31,817 5,428 3,562 2,442 2,044 5 428 3 56 4 2 2,04 914 281 77 914 281 77 4 748 14,748 11,962 26,710 26,710
30,883 30,883 5,437 3.562 2,442 2,041 5,437 3.56 4 2 2,041 914 277 75 914 2 7 75 4 748 11 962 26,710 14,748 11,962 26,710
27,943 27,943 5,651 3,590 2,443 1,954 5 651 3 590 2 443 1,954 710 336 76 710 33 76 14,760 11,950 26,710 4 76 11 95 26,710
Agricultural Ag icultural Forest Fo est Park/Conservation Park/Conservation Employment Employment Institutional/Civic Institutional/Civic Mixed Use Mixed Use Total Designated Land Non-Designated Land Total Land Area (in Ha) T tal Designated Land Non-Designated Land Total Land Area (in Ha) Roads (in Km) 9 Paved Roads (in Km) 9 Paved Unpaved Unpaved Sewer Lines (in Km) 9 Sanitary Sewer Lines (in Km) 9 anitary Water Lines (in Km) 9 Water Lines (in Km) 9 Storm Storm
11 962 11 962
496 5.0 496 5.0 344 398 435 44 398 435
494 5.1 494 5.1 346 398 435 46 398 435
492 492 340 395 432 40 395 432 6 6
489 489 338 358 431 3 358 431 6 6
488 488 328 336 405 28 336 405 6 6
470 470 270 291 382 70 291 382 6 6
Parks Area in Ha (No. of Parks in Brackets) 10 Municipal 11 Parks Are in Ha (No. of Parks in Brackets) 10 Municipal 11
278 (69)
276 (68)
275 (72) 611 ( 3)
273 (70) 600 ( 3)
271 (58) 595 ( 2)
254 416
Regional 12 Provincial 13 Regio al 12 Provincial 13
(3) (69 278 (69 276 (68 275 (72 273 (70 271 (58 254 3 631 3 627 3 611 3 60 3 95 2 41 631 (3) 627 (3) (1) 62,540 ( 1) 62,540 ( 1) 62,540 ( 1) 55,596 (1) 62,540 ( 1) 62,540 ( 1) 62,540 ( 1) 55,596 (1) 62,540 (1) 62,540 (1) 62,540 (1) 62,540
1 BC Stats – Population Estimate Report February2021 2 Voters are registered every four years at the time of the election – Maple Ridge Clerk’s Department 3 Statistics Canada– December 2020 Monthly Labour Force Survey Estimates for Metro Vancouver 4 Total includes full-time equivalent employees – Maple Ridge Human Resources Department 5 Statistics Canada– www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/lfss04l-eng.htm 6 School District No 42, Maple Ridge Licences, Permits & Bylaws Department and Fraser Health Authority 7 In 2016 new software resulted in a shift of designated land – Planning Department 8 In 2017 nine new Land Use codes were created because of the creation of the Hammond Area Plan and the Commercial Land Resignation as part of the Commercial Industrial Strategy 9 Maple Ridge Engineering Department 10 Maple Ridge Parks & Facilities Department – Change in Reporting for 2017 11 In 2019, 7 parks were delisted and re-categorized. 3 new parks were added in 2019. 12 Metro Vancouver Regional Parks. 13 11,700 Ha are within City Boundary – Source BC Parks. 1 BC Stats – Population Estimate Report February2021 2 Voters are registered every four years at the time of the election – Maple Ridge Clerk’s Department 3 Statistics Canada– December 2020 Monthly Labour Force Survey Estimates for Metro Vancouver 4 Total includes full-time equivalent employees – Maple Ridge Human Resources Department 5 Statistics Canada– www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/lfss04l-eng.htm 6 School District No 42, Maple Ridge Licences, Permits & Bylaws Department and Fraser Health Authority 7 In 2016 new software resulted in a shift of designated land – Planning Department 8 In 2017 nine new Land Use codes were created because of the creation of the Hammond Area Plan and the Commercial Land Resignation as part of the Commercial Industrial Strategy 9 Maple Ridge Engineering Department 10 Maple Ridge Parks & Facilities Department – Change in Reporting for 2017 11 In 2019, 7 parks were delisted and re-categorized. 3 new parks were added in 2019. 12 Metro Vancouver Regional Parks. 13 11,700 Ha are within City Boundary – Source BC Parks.
64 City of Maple Ridge - 2021 Annual Report
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