2020 Citizens Report
November 5, 2020 Maple Ridge’s Remembrance Day ceremony is one of the largest in the Fraser Valley with thousands of citizens coming out to honour those who serve, or have served, our armed forces. In 2020, that ceremony was held virtually, and the students of Meadowridge School decided to write personal postcards for delivery to veterans that were living in local seniors’ homes and assisted living facilities. We are fortunate to have surviving WWII and Korean War veterans in the community, but due to their age and vulnerability to COVID, they were unable to participate in the annual ceremony. This gesture by these students was an important way to remind these heroes that they are remembered and respected. An act of kindness from one generation to another.
November 26, 2020 On the cover and inside on Page 28 of The News for this date we learned about a 17-year- old, Matthew Goncalves, who was using his skills to fix up bikes to donate to his neighbours through the Christmas Hamper Society. Matthew put out the call on social media at the end of October and in no time, he had collected over 60 bikes. With assistance of donated parts by local businesses, he has systematically gotten the bikes ready for new owners who had a lovely surprise on Christmas morning. Matthew became interested in cycling in Grade 9 and his experience with Scouts taught him the value of community service. From our perspective, Matthew has officially become one of Santa’s Elves with this gift of time and expertise.
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