2020 Citizens Report


DIVISION OVERVIEW General Manager: Christine Carter

2020 DIVISION HIGHLIGHTS Modernized and updated the City’s Zoning Bylaw Delivered 102 Planning Reports to Council Deployed Community Safety Officers to patrol within community Handled 5,343 phone enquiries in 2020 Issued 5,196 building permits and completed 20,950 Inspections in 2020 Handled 4,312 bylaw service calls Rolled out the Wildlife Vector campaign to reduce wildlife interactions in the urban interface

The Planning & Development Services (PDS) Division provides leadership in the implementation of services including development processing and the issuance of building permits and business licences. The Division also investigates and responds to bylaw complaints, and oversees the Community Safety Officer program. The Division continues to work with its partners such as the Urban Development Institute, the Homebuilders Association Vancouver (HAVAN) and the Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvement Association to ensure its processes align with Best Practices. The Division sees public consultation as being at the forefront of its activities and continues to build successful public consultation processes to engage and inform residents. The Division consists of three departments: Planning, Licences & Bylaws and Building. Planning Department Director of Planning: Charles Goddard Licences & Bylaws Department Director of Bylaw & Licensing Services: Michelle Orsetti See Page 34 for a special Community Safety Spotlight article. Building Department Chief Building Officer: Stephen Cote-Rolvink

In 2020 Council moved forward with important policy work including the completion of the Lougheed Corridor Study and a Town Centre Visioning review. How do you host an open house in a pandemic? Two innovative staff came up with an out-of-the-box idea. Amanda Grochowich and Lisa Zosiak, moved their open house outdoors in August and early September when the health orders were relaxed in our Province. They ran these events adjacent to the popular Haney Farmers Market on Saturdays and with Parks, Recreation & Culture’s Summer Happenings concert series. This is savvy thinking. When the community can’t come to you due to Public Health Orders, get out in the community to get their input on the future of our City.


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