2020 Annual Report - master 0603 (web)

Mayor’s Introduction

Mike Morden MAYOR

COUNCIL’S STRATEGIC PLAN Community Safety: Ensure that citizens feel safe and are not afraid to engage in their community, that criminal activity is prevented or minimized, that people who need services can access them easily, that agencies understand and are accountable for their role and that all of this occurs within the capacity of local first responders and service providers. Intergovernmental Relations: Build strong relationships with the region, other levels of government and local First Nations to set a foundation for problem solving and innovation to achieve defined strategic results. Growth: Implement strategic plans related to local infrastructure and the economy including commercial and industrial land base, transportation corridors, transit, neighbourhood plans and key amenities. Community Pride & Spirit: Engage the public in positive activities as participants and as volunteers to enhance the vibrancy of the community Natural Environment: Be alert to opportunities to care for the natural environment, to mitigate impacts on wildlife and to utilize natural assets to grow eco-tourism opportunities.

On behalf of Council, I am very pleased to present the 2020 Annual Report which provides an overview of our financial performance for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020. This suite of publications, the Corporate, Financial and Council Quarterly Reports along with available online tools represent Council’s commitment of transparency and accountability to our citizens. Last year, Council established a four year Strategic Plan which includes the following five key priorities of Community Safety, Inter-government Relations, Growth, Community Pride & Spirit and Natural Environment. Commitment and delivery on these five pillars will further shape our vision for a strong and resilient city. On page nine of this report, you will see we have developed a series of interactive performance dashboards that feature metrics that pertain to each of Council’s strategic priorities. Through these dashboards residents can view real-time progress with data that is easy to understand and is accessible. The fact that this evolution occurred during a global pandemic is not entirely surprising. Over the last year, our organization has adapted quickly using new technology to ensure we continued the work to deliver our business plan. Council did not miss a single meeting during this uncertain time to maintain core services to our citizens while respecting the public health orders in place. As we prepare this Annual Report, I want to acknowledge that this has been a difficult time for many. As citizens are being vaccinated, a lot of work is underway on what recovery means, the learnings and opportunities from the pandemic, and our preparedness for the future. I would like to thank my colleagues on Council for their commitment to our strategic plan, as well to our staff that support not only our work but the everyday running of the City’s services. Maple Ridge will continue to build a strong financial foundation to meet the opportunities and challenges of the future.

Thank you for taking the time to review our Annual Report.

Mike Morden, Mayor

6 City of Maple Ridge - 2020 Annual Report

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