2018-2022 Financial Plan
INTRODUCTION The purpose is to help the citizens of Maple Ridge understand the budget process and provide a summary of the information presented in the Financial Plan 2018 – 2022. It provides an outline of how Maple Ridge prepares, reviews and approves the Financial Plan. Business Plans and related documents are located on the website mapleridge.ca/317/Business-Plans-Financial- Reports. HOW DOES COUNCIL CREATE THE BUDGET: WHAT IS THE BUSINESS PLANNING PROCESS? Business planning provides a decision-making framework by aligning staff work with Council direction. Business planning also provides space for considering long-term consequences, thinking broadly across issues, disciplines and boundaries and planning accordingly. The framework holds service areas, departments and managers accountable and is a key element of working towards a self-managed organization where everything we do is a cycle of continuous improvement. Business and Financial Planning Process Maple Ridge has developed comprehensive Business Planning Guidelines for use in the Financial Planning process. These guidelines, which are discussed in more detail starting on page 28, are updated annually and assist Council with the difficult task of resource allocation. Departmental business plans communicate alignment with the Corporate Strategic Plan and identify:
The Financial Planning process is also guided by a Financial Sustainability Plan found on page 197; a group of 13 policies designed to position Maple Ridge to meet financial obligations while providing equitable and affordable taxation. Under the British Columbia Community Charter, Maple Ridge is required to adopt a Five-Year Financial Plan. This long-term approach to Financial Planning allows Council and the community to consider the impact that current decisions will have on future financial flexibility. Council adopts a Financial Plan for the subsequent five years each December based on the best information available at the time. The Financial Plan is updated each May, prior to setting the tax rates, to reflect any changes that have occurred since the last Financial Plan was adopted. Council and City staff welcome input from our citizens, businesses, community groups and other stakeholders. There are several opportunities for input in the business planning process: In the Spring, Council approves the Business Planning Guidelines that set the stage for the following year's five-year Financial Plan, which ultimately determines property tax rates and other levies. The guidelines are presented at several Council meetings open to the public. In the Fall, Council deliberates on the next Financial Plan. These sessions are open to the public and there are opportunities for citizens to speak to Council including via social media channels. The dates for these sessions are in the Guidelines, but are subject to change, so watch the website mapleridge.ca. Public Participation
goals and objectives
essential core business and service levels resource distribution (financial and human)
performance measures
capital program and associated operating, maintenance and replacement costs
potential new revenue sources incremental spending programs
Maple Ridge Financial Plan 2018-2022
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