2018-2022 Financial Plan
Economic Development: Tourism Coordinator Economic Development is looking for $60,000 to carry out the Tourism Strategy. It is recommended that funding from an existing vacant position be directed towards this. Corporate & Financial Services RCMP & Security Support services staff play a critical role in delivering the services provided by the RCMP. A Disclosure Coordinator is requested to deal with the new requirements of the courts. As well, the Superintendent is seeking support for an Executive Assistant. Both of these resources will allow police officers to dedicate more time to policing, rather than to clerical/administrative matters. A ½ time Fleet Coordinator is requested to make the current role a full position. To manage costs, we recommend that this role start half way through the year. In the life of the existing Financial Plan, six additional police officers were planned over the ensuing five years. This is now being reduced to five additional officers to pay for this additional support. In recent years, we have provided an enhanced level of private security in the downtown area, funding for which was provided through the Protective Services Reserve. We recommend that ongoing funding be provided. The favourable adjustments in the RCMP contract budget allow us to accommodate this. Fire Department It is important to ensure the complement of firefighters we have can provide the level of fire protection service needed in the community now and in to the future. We can start to build capacity in the Financial Plan by taking a long-term, phased approach to this important issue. The recommendation is to increase the budget for firefighters by $132,000 per year starting in 2020. The Parks structure was amended as a result of the conclusion of the Joint Services Agreement with the City of Pitt Meadows. Implementation was monitored throughout the year and $142,000 from existing staff and growth funding has been re-allocated to address the need for a Manager of Parks Operations. Parks, Recreation & Culture Parks: Operations Manager
Incremental Adjustments The last section showed that after dealing with existing commitments and policy direction, $161,000 is available to deal with other Council priorities. We refer to these other priorities as “Incremental Adjustments”. Incremental adjustments represent service level changes not previously included in the Financial Plan. The Corporate Management Team (CMT) has met with all of the departments heads and reviewed all of the business plans. From this review, it is clear that workload pressures have continued to build in a number of areas and it is important they be addressed. In addressing the priority items, CMT has reallocated funding from other areas in order to minimize the bottom line financial impact. The following enhancements are recommended by the Corporate Management Team: Administration: Human Resources: Health & Safety Associate Additional staff support is required in the area of health and safety. This work can improve workers’ safety and reduce other costs, included WSBC related costs. $75,000 is required for additional support and in the first two years of the Financial Plan, the costs can be covered by the WSBC premium rebates we have received. Human Resources: External Consulting Support External consulting services are required to assist with the recruitment of difficult-to-fill-positions, (Engineering in particular). As well, due to a rela- tively small HR department, our ability to offer a more complete suite of human resources pro- grams, services and supports that an organization of our size requires is constrained. Rather than adding staff to our Human Resources Department, we are recommending a phased approach to a consulting budget for this area: $25,000 in 2018, increasing to $50,000 for 2019 and future years. Existing growth funding from Corporate & Financial Services is being used to pay for this. Human Resources: Employee Engagement Feedback from employees has highlighted the need for competency-building work placement opportunities. In order to do this, a budget needs to be established to fund, when required, replacement staff for those attending training. $50,000 per year is recommended to support these initiatives; $25,000 of which is contributed by growth funding from Public Works & Development Services.
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