2018-2022 Financial Plan
Our business planning process provides a framework that links Council’s vision for the community to budgets and workplans and ensures a consistent strategic direction. It also provides a solid foundation for making decisions regarding programs and services and for allocating resources in a manner consistent with that direction. It helps to ensure that the programs and services offered by Maple Ridge provide value-for- dollar and are responsive to our citizens and customers, an increasingly challenging task in a Throughout the year, Council and City staff welcome input on the budget and business planning process from our citizens, businesses, community groups and other stakeholders. Every spring, Council approves business planning guidelines that set the stage for the following year's 5-year Financial Plan, which ultimately determines property tax rates and other levies. The guidelines are in the Business Planning Guidebook, which is presented at several Council meetings that are open to the public. Public comments on the guidelines are invited. Throughout summer and early fall, service areas develop multi-year operating plans which directly support Council’s strategic direction. The plans growing community in an era of increased downloading from senior governments.
include business evaluations with a 10% funding reduction scenario, forcing departments to look at new ways to deliver services. Employees prepare individual performance plans linking their workplans to the department’s objectives. The cascading effect through all levels of the organization provides the strategic alignment critical to achieving the community vision in the most effective and efficient manner. In December, Council deliberates on the following year's 5-year Financial Plan. These sessions are open to the public and there are several opportunities for citizens to speak to Council. Since 2012, we have provided live streaming of the question and answer session and the public is encouraged to ask questions by phone, email and via the Maple Ridge Facebook page and Twitter feed. Citizens are also encouraged to come to City Hall and be a part of the audience where they are welcome to ask questions live. The business planning process in place today is the result of many years of in-house development, feedback, enhancement and improvement, involving elected officials, management, union officials and front-line staff. The program’s longevity is a testament to its continued ability to provide value to citizens, customers, Council and staff.
Maple Ridge Financial Plan 2018-2022
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