2018-2022 Financial Plan
Health Care Fraser Health provides a wide range of integrated health care services to residents of Maple Ridge. Quality health care services range from acute care hospitals to community-based residential, home health, mental health and public health services. Ridge Meadows Hospital Located in Maple Ridge, this hospital has 125 acute care beds including 20 psychiatric beds and 10 convalescent beds, 10 hospice beds and 148 residential care beds. It provides primary and secondary acute care and specialty services in- cluding 24/7 emergency, ambulatory care, day surgery, general and internal medicine, rehabilita- tion, maternity care, general surgery, orthopedics, urology, critical care, pharmacy, medical imaging and a medical laboratory for both inpatient and outpatient needs. The hospital also offers a continuum of adult psychiatric and social services available on an inpatient and outpatient basis. Eagle Ridge Hospital – Port Moody Located less than half an hour away, this hospital has 173 acute care beds. It provides primary and secondary acute care and some specialty services such as 24/7 emergency, diagnostics, inpatient and outpatient care in general medicine, rehabil- itation, surgery and other specialty services such as urology, plastics and orthopaedics. Other secondary acute care: maternal, infant, child and youth and inpatient psychiatry are not provided. Langley Memorial Hospital Located less than half an hour away, this hospital has 203 beds. It provides a range of primary, sec- ondary and some specialty services, including 24/7 emergency, general and internal medicine, general surgery and select surgical specialities (such as orthopaedic), critical care, obstetrics, pediatrics and adult inpatient psychiatric care. Langley Memorial Hospital also offers day surgery and other ambulatory, outpatient services. Diag- nostic imaging, inpatient and outpatient laboratory services and a full service pharmacy support vari- ous hospital programs and their patients. Mission Memorial Hospital Located less than half an hour away, this hospital has 29 beds and a 10 bed hospice. It provides primary acute care services including 24/7 emer- gency, outpatient and inpatient services, general medicine, laboratory and diagnostic services. Source: Fraser Health Website
Housing Types The monthly benchmark price from the MLS Home Price Index (December 2017) for single-family detached residences in Maple Ridge is $827,000. The MLS ® HPI is a more stable price indicator than average prices, because it tracks changes of “middle-of-the-range” or “typical” homes and excludes the extreme high-end and low-end properties. Household Characteristics (30,255 Dwellings) Owner 24,160 Renter 6,095
Not Condominium
Built Before 1960 Built After 1960
Source: Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver Source: Statistics Canada, 2011 Census
Top 10 Taxpayers Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
Westgate Shop Ctr Distribution Lines
BC Hydro & Power Authority
Bucci Investment Corporation Inc International Forest Products Ltd. MR Landmark 2000 Centre Ltd Narland Properties (Haney) Ltd. Telus (BC Telephone Company) Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 22475 Dewdney Trunk Road Inc. Source: Maple Ridge Finance Department FortisBC Energy Inc.
Valley Fair Mall Lumber Mills
Shop Ctr, Auto Dealer
Haney Place Mall
Gas Lines
Poles, Lines, Towers
Railway Tracks
Maple Ridge Square
Transportation The six-lane Golden Ears Bridge links Langley on the south side of the Fraser River with Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows on the north side. The Pitt River Bridge has three lanes of westbound traffic and four lanes of eastbound traffic and provides up to 16 meters of marine clearance. Both bridges provide facilities for cyclists and pedestrians. Highways Located on the Lougheed Highway (Highway 7) and 10 minutes north of the Trans-Canada Highway (Highway 1).
Airports (Driving Time) Vancouver International Abbotsford International Pitt Meadows Regional
65 minutes 40 minutes
15 minutes Source: Maple Ridge Economic Development Office
Maple Ridge Financial Plan 2018-2022
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