2018-2022 Financial Plan
Services Provided The Operations Centre takes pride in providing efficient, proactive and responsive customer service to the residents of Maple Ridge. We are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the following: Fleet Procurement Roads Sanitary Sewerage System Sidewalks Storm Drainage System Street Lighting Street Signage Traffic Signals Water Distribution Our focus is on the health and safety of the Maple Ridge residents, while protecting the large investment in public works infrastructure and environment. We are committed to providing essential and convenient services at a minimal cost to taxpayers, in an efficient manner to meet current and future needs.
2018 Workplan Emphasis Operations are continually striving to enhance customer service by being proactive in maintaining the City’s infrastructure. We can accomplish this by leveraging innovative technologies to efficiently streamline data, improving efficiencies while maximizing resources and minimizing costs. In 2018, we will be introducing digital maintenance databases for street lights, PRV’s, vegetation control and storm main flushing to create efficiencies in scheduling maintenance and tracking historical data. In addition, the Purchasing Policy will be reviewed, as well as the transition of moving online service requests from Amanda to Tempest.
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