2018-2022 Financial Plan
Services Provided The Licences & Bylaws Department contributes to the corporate vision by identifying policy initiatives that enhance Maple Ridge’s “business friendly” approach by pursuing compliance of City bylaws in a fair and consistent manner. The department also works closely with the Economic Development Department issuing business licences and providing enhanced customer service. The department also administers the dog licence program and works with the BCSPCA with regard to animal welfare.
2018 Workplan Emphasis Best practices will be implemented when working with the development and building communities. We will continue to liaise with business licence applicants to provide direct assistance when requested. The department will also work with the Intermunicipal Business Licence Committee to assess and potentially deploy an expanded program and review the Business Licence bylaw. In order to continue our cooperative approach to bylaw compliance we will review the Highway & Traffic bylaw, implement a study of practical policy to deal with marihuana dispensaries, review WildSafe practices with a purpose to get bear safe designation for the City, improve information/education around dog responsibility and review the practice of canvassing for dog licences. To ensure an improved service delivery for our customers we will continue to look for efficiencies by migrating to a more user-friendly database, reviewing programs to manage parking passes, reviewing our web presence to decrease phone calls and email enquiries, reviewing current method of information delivery and pursuing other methods that are available to better inform our customers and increase meeting participation.
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