2018-2022 Financial Plan
Services Provided Parks, Facilities & Open Space provides and maintains a wide variety of recreational sites that contribute to healthy lifestyles in this rapidly growing community. The Parks Planning and Operations section is responsible for the acquisition, planning and development of parks in accordance with the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan. The Manager of Parks & Open Space is responsible for maintenance of the City’s parks system, which includes sport fields, playgrounds, sports courts, dog parks as well as ornamental displays, street trees, an extensive trails inventory and a large number of greenbelt areas. This section also operates and maintains two City owned cemeteries and provides administration for interment services, recordkeeping and public inquiries. The Facilities section, in cooperation with the Recreation & Community Services Department, provides maintenance services to a number of public meeting and sport/athletic activity facilities, including the Leisure Centre, Greg Moore Youth Centre, Hammond Hall, Whonnock Lake Community Centre as well as spray parks and an outdoor pool. Other municipal facilities, including the public library, the ACT, museums, arena, a golf course and historic sites, are operated in partnerships with other contractors or organizations. The section also maintains City facilities including the City hall, fire halls and public safety buildings, as well as rental and leased properties throughout the community.
2018 Workplan Emphasis The useful life of City-owned infrastructure is extended through building life cycle assessments that identify priority projects and scheduled maintenance programs for the City`s buildings. The Facilities section will be replacing main heating and ventilation rooftop mechanical units at the Leisure Centre, Operations Centre, RCMP and City Hall. A new emergency generator will be purchased for Fire Hall No. 2 and upgrades will be made to the exterior building and pole lighting at the Operations Centre to sustainable new LED lights. The Parks Planning section will develop two outdoor Pickle Ball courts, conduct a community consultation process for a youth action park in Albion Park, provide minor upgrades at Albion Fairgrounds to support special events and manage the detailed design, tendering and construction of Firefighter’s Park Blaney Hamlet, Telosky Stadium/Thomas Haney Synthetic Fields, Arthur Peake/Golden Ears Synthetic Fields. They will also review sport facilities upgrades as identified by BC Games Society to support events to be hosted in 2020.
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