2017 Citizens Report
connections with the data collected as part of the daily work of the City there will be new applications created and launched. As the City’s business processes evolve and streamline, the OGP will be updated to reflect those changes. David Eaves told us that when we got deep into this project it would create an opportunity for us to understand the work we do better. He predicted that we would make new connections and start to look at our processes with a new clarity. He was right. Throughout the Citizens Report we will make linkages between the work that was accomplished between January 1 and December 31, 2017, and where citizens can find more information on the Open Government Portal.
‘The feedback from Council and the public allowed us to refine some of the concepts under development for the full launch.” “By using the recommendations of the CRWG and appling a business lens we were able to merge data from a number of platforms seamlessly to develop map based applications which, when combined, resulted in the development of ‘What’s Happening Around Me?’ (WHAM) which is one of the showcase features of the new OGP,” said Ms. Crabtree. “This is an example of how data can be transformed to help our citizens engage in their community.” The OGP has three main sections. The ‘Primary Portal pages’ address recommendations by the CRWG to allow citizens to better understand and explore important decision making processes that are part of the day-to- day work of the City. The ‘WHAM’ application is a map based exploration of the City that displays information based on an address. The final section
of the OGP is called ‘Unlock The Data’ and a click on the ‘Infographics’ section reveals data visualizations that allow citizens to explore facets of the City’s day-to-day work. What’s Next? The OGP is not finished. It will grow and evolve along with the City. As citizens and staff make new There is a quote by author and futurist Joel Arthur Barker that reads ‘Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.’
opengov.mapleridge.ca. Explore your community.
Katherine Wagner (left), served as chair of the Citizens Representative Working Group. Christina Crabtree (right) is the Chief Information Officer for the City of Maple Ridge.
Citizens Report 2017 | 9
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